Have you stumbled upon this page when browsing through the wonders of the world wide web? Will your friend not stop bugging you about this cool webseries that they made that you should really check out? Did you come from our YouTube and just want to know more about what these freaks are all about? For all these reasons and more - you've come to the right place!

APARTMENT SIMPLE (or APTSIM) is an internet webseries focused on the wacky antics of the residents within the buiding, and the ways their relationships and unique personalities shape the adventures they go on. They do all sorts of crazy stuff together, so it's impossible to tell what'll happen next - just that they'll have fun doing it, and hopefully you will too! The episodes all have the same fun stuff in them, so you don't have to watch them in order to understand the story. A story of craziness! A story of fun! And most importantly, a story of friendship. It's a passion project between a group of friends, so sometimes it's difficult to put stuff out in a timely manner, but we are working on it!
We'll live forever. That's a promise!


This website, too, is a passion project of the series. It was coded by Cookie, and written by everybody to give the world a fun website to show our creation to! It was inspired by the works of A. N. Lucas and the original website, the code for this open-source webamp and this cursor trail, and the services of Gifcities and Bloggif to find some of the graphics used. Everything else is handwritten and drawn by our lovely artists!